Sustainability & Giving Back

We are proud and committed to supporting local communities and those less fortunate 

With a conviction for giving something back to the community, we have been working alongside Charity Begins at Home, a UK registered charity, to support our community and to make a real difference to people in need. 

The above TV trailer made by Korvin Production, followed and interviewed Henrik Muehle, Managing Director at Flemings Mayfair, for eight weeks to show the engagement to support the local community, the homeless and those less fortunate. 

Charity Begins at Home relies solely on passionate volunteers and donations. The charity gathers every Friday at the Strand (Agar Street) to distribute warm meals, drinks and other essential food items, as well as clothes and sleeping bags, to those living in very straitened circumstances. The charity is now in its 9th year and has been featured in King Charles's first Christmas speech in 2022.

In addition to this, our talented chefs at Ormer at Flemings Mayfair prepare and cook over 50 warm meals every Wednesday to be distributed to families in real need across the streets of London. These are collected via charity bike project led by CBH and over the last two years, more than 10,000 meals have been distributed to the homeless. 

Henrik Muehle is driven and passionate about supporting the local community, the homeless and those in real need. In 2023, and for the third year running, he joined other business leaders across London to take part in the CEO Sleepout at Lord's Cricket Ground where he impressively raised up to date over £64.000 in total. Henrik has been interviewed live at GB News, BBC 1, BBC London News and LCB Radio to raise awareness of homelessness in the capital. In December 2023, Henrik was interviewed by Jim Diamond Radio Show and filmed by the David Roses Art project. 

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1- Our Eco-Friendly Kitchen Garden

Most of our fruits and vegetables used at Ormer Mayfair are grown at our very own 2-acre eco-friendly kitchen garden in Essex which we are very proud of. 
As well as our Michelin star, Ormer Mayfair is the holder of four AA Rosettes and recently introduced a new-acre kitchen garden in Essex, as well as a beekeeper to maintain beehives with over ten thousand bees, to deliver fresh ingredients and honey to the restaurant. 
Our sustainability programme allows us to support not only the local eco-system, but also to significantly reduce carbon footprint by using the freshest, locally produced seasonal ingredients. 

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We Minimise Waste

We have introduced simpler tasting menus to our customers to reflect this seasonality with all food ordered based on confirmed reservation orders. Any surplus food is used to staff meals but more importantly, it is also used for the food we make for Charity Begins at Home, to give out to the many homeless people in the city. So absolutely nothing goes to waste. 
CEO Sleepout 2023

Supporting The Local Community

As a business, we have been supporting charities that help the local communities and those less fortunate. Flemings Mayfair has been supporting 'Charity Begins at Home', a UK registered charity with a passion and drive to help make a real change. The organisation, which runs food distribution every Friday and food banks, solely relies on volunteers and donations.
Our Managing Director, Henrik Muehle, is a true believer in giving back and helping out in the community. 
Mr. Muehle and other volunteers gather at the Strand (Agar Street) every Friday to distribute warm meals, drinks and other essential food items, as well as clothes and sleeping bags, to those living in very straitened circumstances. 
In addition to this, every Wednesday our chefs at Ormer Mayfair prepare and cook over 50 warm meals to be distributed to families in real need across the streets of London. These are collected via charity bike project led by Charity Begins at Home. So far, more than 10,000 thousand meals have been distributed to the homeless. 
Mr. Muehle has also been taking part in the CEO Sleepout raising over £64,000 since 2021 in a bid to tackle homelessness across the city of London. 

Our Awareness

All these procedures allow us at Flemings Mayfair to tackle the following challenges we all face today:
  • Complying with legal principles
  • Committing to Fairtrade principles
  • Raising awareness among our team and guests
  • Protecting natural resources
  • Minimising our carbon footprint
  • Serving future generations’ best interests
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Featured Article:

Spotlight on: Henrik Muehle, Managing Director, Flemings Mayfair
"Henrik is the unflappable Managing Director of Flemings Mayfair, and an unstoppable force when it comes to raising awareness of some of the stark inequalities faced by people who live, work and stay in London". Click below to read more about the charitable work Henrik and his team are involved in.

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